
An ode to Dutch Photographer Erwin Olaf (1959 -2023) | part of BOX2023
54 cm : 39 cm | Edition 100


Buy BOX2023 | And in addition to ‘Clair-Obscur’ you also get the other 5 Artworks in the BOX, of course 🖤

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“What I prefer to show is a perfect world with a crack in it”

Erwin Olaf (1959-2023), one of the most important photographers from the last quarter of the 20th century died. He began as a controversial artist, striving to knock down established norms and celebrate diversity. While living in a squat in Amsterdam in the 80s, Olaf began photographing the city’s nightlife. He challenged taboos by capturing the gay liberation movement and exploring sexuality in contentious black and white pictures.

Despite his love for the underground and his raw and edgy work he was soon embraced by the mainstream. His work is strongly rooted in the visual tradition of Dutch art. His affinity with the light of the old masters and his strong knowledge of the medium meant he was soon included in all major art collections and museums. He constructed his own surrealist dreamworld in meticulously staged images. 

The Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam has added his work ‘Hope, portrait 5, to the Gallery of Honor, next to Johannes Verspronck’s Portrait of a Girl in Blue (1641). 

Erwin Olaf’s photos are there for eternity, like the paintings of old Dutch masters.